How can I get more traffic on a blog? | ismail blogger

Introduction: (Ismail blogger) 

Hello There! today we talked about How I can get more traffic on a bog. Ismail blogger, There are many ways to get traffic on your blog. But today we talk about more traffic. This is a critical topic for you. Friends if you want to get more traffic on your articles. Then you will follow some steps. You can see all these steps below. And will read it. I think these steps will be very useful for you. You can’t earn money from a blog till then. As long as there is no traffic on it. People will not come to your blog. So you must bring maximum traffic to your blog. So you should do something to get millions of people to visit your website.  Read my blog very carefully. It is very beneficial for you. So read this article of mine very carefully. so that everything can be clear. Ismail blogger

How can I get more traffic on a blog? | ismail blogger

Today you will learn: 

1. Why Traffic is important for your blog.

2. How can I get more traffic on a blog?

Read More: How can I get more traffic on a blog? 

Topic 1:

Why Traffic is important for your blog: (Ismail blogger) 

Now we talk about why traffic is important for your blog. Look, friends If you are a blogger and doing blogging. No matter whether You work on WordPress and No matter you work on blogger. It is your choice. But you can’t earn money till then until you bring traffic to your blog. This is useful for you in two cases. First, you get Google  Adsence approval, and second If you do not get Google Adsence Approval.

If you do not get Google Adsense Approval yet Then Traffic will make a positive impression on your website. Due to this, Your chances of getting Google Adsense Approval will increase. And if you have got Google Adsense approval. It will be very good for you. That is when traffic will come to your website. So you will be able to earn more money. That is because the more traffic, the more ads you will see on the website. And the more Ads will be seen. The more money you will be able to earn.

So that is why will tell you about the importance of Traffic. I hope you will understand what I am saying. So let’s talk to begin the next topic.

Topic 2:

How can I get more traffic on a blog?  (Ismail blogger) 

There are many ways to improve your traffic on your blog. But in some ways is very special. So That is why now we talk about How can get more traffic on a blog.

1. Social Media Platforms: (Ismail blogger) 

Social Media is a great way to get traffic on your site. All the famous Bloggers will earn 10000$ to 12000$ per month by using Blogging. They also use this way to get traffic. Social Media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkin. You can copy your post links and share social platforms.  This is a big source of traffic. Friends this is the right way to get an Audience. I am also using this trick. I also use social media platforms to get more and more Traffic on my website. It is working.

2. Organic Traffic / Organic Resources:  (Ismail blogger) 

Organic Resources are a great way to get Traffic. In this way, You will receive Organic Traffic. Although a lot of individuals are interested in brokering, they lack the understanding required to finish the searchable content of an article. Make quick money using WordPress or Blogger. You need to choose terms and/or phrases for your content that rank highly in Google searches. Many inexperienced bloggers overlook it since it’s so small, yet this seemingly insignificant element can have a big influence on you. Make sure all of your writing contains searchable keywords so that Google can index your content.

3. Write a Quick Introduction Post: (Ismail blogger) 

This is an excellent step for you to do if you want to get paid by bloggers. These tips are used by all professional bloggers on your posts. But since this is a hidden trick, they won’t tell you. Very few individuals are aware of it. Since you are all my brothers and sisters, I shall tell you. Thus, please carefully study my article. Since you have a fantastic opportunity to learn this, thus, for your article to appear in Google results, you must write it with the title in mind. This is a very simple but very important trick for you.  Many people don’t think It’s that special. But in reality, this is the most basic and most specific procedure. To promote your blog.

This is some information about How can get more traffic on a blog. I hope you will read my article very carefully. I hope you will understand what I am saying. So ahead earn money online.

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